Celebrate Arbor Day!


Celebrate life, trees and the outdoors on Friday, April 24th for Arbor Day!  Many do not realize that the rich tradition of Arbor Day has been celebrated for over 140 years.  Pioneered by J. Sterling Morton in Nebraska, this annual observance celebrates the role that trees play in our every day lives and the importance of planting new trees.


Trees help beautify our surroundings and help make our homes, places of work and parks more enjoyable.  They provide much needed shade in the warm summer months and shelter animals during the cold winters.  Trees can act as a barrier to block cold winters and act as a natural fence to block unsightly surroundings.  Mature trees can help with erosion and also provide food.  More importantly, trees help clean the air by taking in pollutants and provide clean oxygen for us to breathe.  Trees are homes to many animals but also provide us with wood for building and logs for burning.  A well landscaped home with mature trees can even increase the value of your home.peach-trees-m-m

There are so many benefits to trees that makes Arbor Day so special.  It’s a time to get outside enjoy your family and friends.  It’s a time to enjoy the trees that surround you.  Planting a tree this year can add value to your life, your home and our planet.

“Each Generation takes the earth as trustees” – J. Sterling Morton


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